Thursday, July 9, 2009

Which is Your FAVORITE?

You kNow mE . . . I cAn NoT reSisT a cRaFt . . . I sAiD I wouLd bRiNg thE bEst bAby gIfT to a bAbY sHoWeR. . . so I hAd to uSe TaNiEllEs aNd SyLvIa's gOOd iDeA . . . mAny diD nOt beLieVe tHat tHeY wErE mAde by mE . . . tHeY aSkeD mOm wHeRE I bOuGhT thE iTemS . . .

Thanks Tanielle and Sylvia for the great idea and project . . . Many hours lAtEr and mAnY doLlaRs gOne . . . aNd thIs sHoWs the eNd prOdUct . . .

You mAy wAnT to puT in YoUR oRdeR . . . bEfoRe I mOvE oN tO otHeR pRojEcTs . . .

sOoN tHey WiLl be gOnE . . . sO mAnY sIsTers . . . sO LitTle tImE . . . sO mAnY hEarTs tO tOuCh! I hAvE rEcEivEd reQueSts fOr FOUR (4) bAbY giFts aNd TWO (2) tRaVEleRs!

A Family Project for Kathy Little's Mother

Thanks to Mom and Ronda we were able to fix up a quilt for Kathy Little's Mother. Kathy's children made the quilt years ago and it showed years of love and comfort. We mended with the sewing machine, sewed hearts where the mending was outside of the binding and then bound the edges.
Kathy's mother was so touched that we would go to all this work for her . . . this was missionary work at its finest.
Thanks Mom & Ronda for your hard work to help me mend a grandmother's quilt!