Thursday, July 9, 2009

Which is Your FAVORITE?

You kNow mE . . . I cAn NoT reSisT a cRaFt . . . I sAiD I wouLd bRiNg thE bEst bAby gIfT to a bAbY sHoWeR. . . so I hAd to uSe TaNiEllEs aNd SyLvIa's gOOd iDeA . . . mAny diD nOt beLieVe tHat tHeY wErE mAde by mE . . . tHeY aSkeD mOm wHeRE I bOuGhT thE iTemS . . .

Thanks Tanielle and Sylvia for the great idea and project . . . Many hours lAtEr and mAnY doLlaRs gOne . . . aNd thIs sHoWs the eNd prOdUct . . .

You mAy wAnT to puT in YoUR oRdeR . . . bEfoRe I mOvE oN tO otHeR pRojEcTs . . .

sOoN tHey WiLl be gOnE . . . sO mAnY sIsTers . . . sO LitTle tImE . . . sO mAnY hEarTs tO tOuCh! I hAvE rEcEivEd reQueSts fOr FOUR (4) bAbY giFts aNd TWO (2) tRaVEleRs!


  1. You do such beautiful work. When I come out you will need to show me how to make these. I have some baby showers I need gifts for these would be perfect. See you on the 22nd. Love you

  2. I love the pink and green one with the green jeweled flower and the turquoise damask with the pearl! Great job Donna they really do look beautiful!
