Thursday, February 12, 2009

Aunt Donnie! What a wonderful sound . . .

Here I am in Texas with two of 50 something children (at least that is the number of children my co-workers at work know I have)
Samuel scratched me and I said OUCH! Samuel was surprise, then gave me a tight hug, then moved his lips to mine, and gave his kind of a kiss looking back with a gaze that wanted to know if I was better . . . how sweet!

Sydney has been helping me to clean, pick up, and can not forget many hugs. I have been calling her amazing, spectacular, and precious Sydney! She is full of surprises, stories, and keeps me on the run.


  1. It's so great to see you've started a blog! I'm excited for the updates. Love ya.

  2. So glad you got a good visit to Texas in, you are the favorite Aunt I know... Love seeing your blog, excited to read more... xoox Denice

  3. Wow I think it great that you now have your own blog. I love reading and keeping up with everyone via the blogs. I love your story about Samuel and Syndey. Luck you that you can see them so often. Can wait to read your next blog.

    Oh yeah HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!! sorry I'm a little late. Love you Winona

  4. Sounds like y'al had a great time in Texas! Wish we could have been there to share in the fun.
    Love You! Alisha
